Our attorneys understand that when people seek help in the law, they need conscientious and professional legal counselors who will advocate for their interests aggressively. A good attorney can help you get back on your feet and protect that which matters most to you and your family.
Ms. Miranda earned her Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the nation’s number one ranked Yale Law School.
Mr. Weikel-Magden earned his Doctorate of Jurisprudence from the University of Virginia School of Law.
At Miranda, Magden & Miranda, our mission is to serve each of our clients’ legal needs with the highest levels of attorney support available. Your Miranda, Magden & Miranda attorney will also aim to help you effectively navigate the legal system quickly so that you may reach self-sufficiency and the better days that are ahead without continued court involvement.
We offer advocacy in Family Law (see our Practice Areas for more details). Our goal is to offer the highest standard of counsel available to help you navigate through what may be rough waters ahead. We provide each client with personalized legal services at an affordable rate. Miranda, Magden & Miranda attorneys believe that the law should be made to assist you.
From the very first meeting, Miranda, Magden & Miranda attorneys will provide the most up-to-date legal advice and explain each step as you progress through the legal issues you face, including providing services in Spanish and Portuguese. The attorneys at Miranda, Magden & Miranda received their legal educations from the top law schools in the nation. Your legal options are evaluated by exceptional attorneys committed to your success. Your case before the court will be well-informed and well-constructed so it serves your legal goals. Needing legal assistance can be difficult for both you and your family. We believe it is our role, and our profession, to help you and your family through difficult times and on to better days as soon as possible.
Miranda, Magden & Miranda lawyers are Salinas and Monterey attorneys with exceptional legal experience and education. Our attorneys give each case their full, personal attention. Our goal is to help you and your family reach better days ahead. It’s why we went to law school. It’s why we do what we do in Family Law.
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