Salinas Divorce Attorney

Salinas Divorce Attorney

Salinas Divorce Attorney

The prospect of going through a divorce is never easy, and if this is the situation you find yourself in, you are facing a difficult transition. Divorce is also, however, a complicated legal matter that amounts to the dissolution of a legal contract, and protecting your financial and parental rights is paramount. Turn to an experienced Salinas divorce attorney for the help you need.

The Terms of Your Divorce

Divorce is a challenging legal concern that will directly affect your future, and while your divorce will be specific to your circumstances and your family, but the basic terms remain constant, including (as applicable):

Child Custody and Parenting Time

If you and your divorcing spouse share children, child custody and parenting time will likely be one of your primary divorce concerns. Child custody refers to both legal and physical custody. Legal custody determines who will be making major parenting decisions regarding your children’s lives, including those related to the following:

  • Their education
  • Their religious education
  • Their health care
  • Their extracurriculars

You and your children’s other parent can make these decisions together, but there are other options, including:

  • One of you can take sole responsibility.
  • One of you can be awarded tie-breaking authority.
  • You can divide the decision-making between you according to the kind of decision that is being made.

Physical custody addresses how you divide your time with your shared children. The primary options when it comes to physical custody include:

  • One of you becoming the primary custodial parent, and the other having a parenting time (or visitation) schedule
  • Sharing your parenting time evenly (or nearly evenly)

You have considerable flexibility when it comes to scheduling parenting time, but if you need the court’s intervention, you will likely receive one of its standard schedules.

Child Support

Both parents are financially responsible for raising their children to adulthood, and child support is intended to help balance this support between both parents. State guidelines guide the calculation of child support in California, but the factors that are most determinative include the amount of time each parent has the children and each parent’s income.

The Division of Marital Property

Those properties and other assets that come to you while you are married are considered marital property, and because California is a community property state, these marital assets – or their value – must be divided between you equally in the event of divorce. Separate assets that you bring into the marriage with you and keep separate remain separate, but the line between separate and marital is easily blurred.

Spousal Support

Spousal support is financial support that is intended to provide the recipient with the financial boost he or she needs to reasonably transition to financial self-sufficiency.

Reach out to an Experienced Salinas Divorce Attorney for the Legal Guidance You Need

If you are facing a divorce, the trusted Salinas divorce attorneys at Miranda, Magden & Miranda, LLP, have the experience, drive, and legal skill to zealously advocate for your rights – in pursuit of your case’s most advantageous outcome that allows you and your family to move onto the better days ahead. We’re here to help, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today.


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Our experienced family law attorneys at Miranda, Magden & Miranda may be able to help you with your family law case. We serve clients across Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties.


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