Divorce can leave you wanting to shut down and go into hibernation for the foreseeable future, but it is also an important legal concern that needs your careful attention. In other words, divorce is especially difficult, but having an experienced Marina, CA, divorce attorney on your side can make all the difference in terms of providing you with the legal guidance you need and the confidence to make the right decisions for you moving forward.
Of all the terms of divorce, the division of marital property is the one that all divorcing couples must face. In California, which is a community property state, all the assets that you and your spouse acquire together over the course of your marriage are considered marital – regardless of how ownership is assigned – and upon divorce, these assets or their value must be divided between you equally. While your separate property will remain your own, the dividing line between separate property that you owned prior to marriage and marital property can be exceptionally fine.
Child custody and parenting time refer to what you may think of as legal custody and physical custody. Child custody determines how you and your ex will make the primary determinations regarding your children’s upbringing, including those related to the following:
One of you can take these on as part of sole legal custody. Other options, however, include making these decisions together or dividing them between you according to category.
Parenting time, on the other hand, determines the schedule that tells you when the kids will be with you and when they’ll be with their other parent. Courts make all custody determinations in direct accordance with the children’s best interests, and this generally means maximizing the amount of time they spend with both parents to the degree possible.
Child support is determined according to an exacting calculation process that takes a range of important issues into careful consideration. The primary concerns, however, are the amount of time the children are with each parent and each parent’s income.
When divorce leaves one spouse without the financial means necessary to support themself while the other has the resources to help, alimony may be awarded. Typically, alimony is set for an amount and duration that allows the recipient to gain greater financial independence – either through further education, job training, or the acquisition of job skills or experience.
The outcome of your divorce will directly affect not only your financial rights but also your parental rights. The trusted divorce attorneys at Miranda, Magden & Miranda, LLP, in Marina, California, are committed to skillfully advocating for divorce terms that support your rights and best interests and also work for you and your family. We’re on your side, so please don’t wait to reach out and contact us for more information today.
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