If you have just filed for divorce or been served with divorce papers, you probably have a lot of questions, including what to expect next. How your divorce proceeds after…
Divorce is a complex legal disentanglement from a marriage contract that involves highly personal information. While your divorce is pending, you and your spouse will need to share a significant…
When couples in California divorce, they often have many concerns, like how their property will be divided and how much time they will have to spend with their children once…
If you are facing a divorce, your knee-jerk reaction may be to ignore the issue and hope it simply goes away. Barring this, however, you may decide that the easiest…
The child custody terms you were handed down when your divorce was finalized may or may not have worked well at the time, but they are court orders. While you…
Many primary terms of divorce hinge on financial matters, and if your spouse is hiding assets, it can seriously skew your terms and leave you at a significant disadvantage. Many…
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